Teas for Psychic Enhancement |
Do you want something to give you an extra kick when you're doing a reading? Or do you need something to help you move along throughout the day that will help you be alert and aware psychically? Well here is five easy tea recipes that'll help you with your psychic awareness and intuition.Now I know most of us are coffee drinkers here in the United States so I might be a little bit of the weird one here but I love tea.
I drink more tea per year than I do coffee. For one it tastes great and two there's a lot of flexibility with tea in flavor and uses. Well, that's just my personal experience and opinion.
So I thought I'd share some teas that I found that help with psychic abilities. That I tend to drink when I am doing readings or doing anything that has to do with my intuition.
So my rule is if you can't afford it or can't pick it out in nature going to the grocery store and buying it off of the Shelf is perfectly fine. It will not stop you from getting the effects that you desire. It may not taste as great but it will still work.
Before you start making the teas a word of advice. One set your intention when you are creating the teas and blending them. Because if you know anything about magic it's all about intention. So try to have a clear mind and focus on what you want to achieve with the Tea when you are preparing it and drinking it.
Two, go easy on the rose petals if you add too much the tea will become very bitter and you won't want to drink it. Unless you really like bitter tea which I don't think anybody does.
Last but definitely not least please be careful while taking these teas if you were pregnant or on medication
Dream Tea
- 2 parts rose petals
- 1 part mugwort
- 1 part peppermint
- 1 part jasmine flowers
- 1/2 of cinnamon,
- Honey to taste (whatever sweetener that you like)
Combine all ingredients and let steep in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then drink before bedtime to induce psychic or lucid dreams. Source of “The Complete Book of herbs oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham”
Psychic Tea
- 3 parts rose petals
- 2 parts yarrow
- 1 part cinnamon
- Honey to taste (whatever sweetener that you like)
Combine ingredients add to boiling hot water let sit for a couple of minutes then strain into a cup. Best drunk when about to do a psychic reading or psychic work of some sort to enhance your psychic awareness. Source of “The Complete Book of herbs oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham”
Healing Psychic Energy While You Sleep Tea
- 2 parts Peppermint
- 1 part rose petals
- 1 part Jasmine flower
- Honey to taste (whatever sweetener that you like)
Combine all ingredients and Add boiling water let sit for a couple of minutes then strain into a cup. Drink to revitalize your psychic body after a long session of doing psychic readings or psychic work of some sort.
Astral Projection Tea
- 2 part Peppermint
- 1 part Orange Peel
- 1 part Mugwort
- 1 part Jasmine
- 1/2 Cinnamon
- Honey to taste (whatever sweetener that you like)
Combine all ingredients and add boiling water let sit for a couple of minutes then strain into a cup. Drink before you are attempting to astral project whether it be through meditation or any other method.
Communing With The Spirits Tea
- 2 part Rose Petals
- 1 part Thyme
- 1 part Yarrow Root
- 1 part Cinnamon
- 1 part Clove
- Honey to taste (whatever sweetener that you like)
Combine all ingredients and Add boiling water let sit for a couple of minutes then strain into a cup. Drink when practicing any kind of ancestor or spirit communication working or ritual.
So those are my tea recipes for enhancing your psychic abilities. All these recipes can be modified to your liking. So if you are not a fan of a particular ingredient or are allergic to it it can be removed. You can also change the portions to better suit your taste. I hope that you enjoy and like the taste of the teas. And I hope that you also embark on making your own blends to suit your needs.
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